Our Vision and Values
It is our vision that the children of Peover Superior leave us in Year 6 as happy, successful, articulate, aspirational and empathetic young people, eager for the next stage of learning in their lives and respectful towards the differences of cultures in modern British society.
Mission statement
Our mission is to provide a safe, happy and exciting and engaging environment where the whole school community are challenged, within a rich and varied curriculum, to fulfil their personal aspirations and to make a positive contribution to society.
We are a welcoming, happy, healthy and inclusive school and value everyone for who they are. We have a creative and exciting curriculum which meets the needs of all learners through hands-on experiences, including greater use of the outdoor environment.
We challenge everyone to reach their potential through quality learning experiences and high expectations.
We prepare children to be life-long learners, ready to meet the challenges of an unknown world.
We are a close-knit family who care for each other and our local community.
We care for ourselves, for others and the world around us.
We always try our best to achieve our potential.
We believe in ourselves and our friends to help us make the right choices in our learning and play.