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Our Classes

From the Autumn term 2024 we have 95 pupils on role, organised into four classes. (Our capacity is 105 pupils) We offer all our children a personalised approach to learning, nurturing them to achieve the best that they can.

The children are taught in four mixed-aged classes, with a planned admission number of 15 new children each academic year.

Each class has their own dedicated pages. These are updated each term and give you a real flavour of how wonderful Peover Superior really is.

Reception - Willow

(Mrs Ellis-Stansfield & Miss Lloyd)

There are 14 children in Willow Class.  Mrs Ellis-Stansfield ensures the children in Reception (EYFS) receive a flying start during the early years of their school journey.  Working alongside the EYFS teaching assistant Miss Allen and Mrs Knapper, enables a truly nurturing and bespoke curriculum. As our school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Mrs Ellis-Stansfield offers a very personalised approach to teaching and learning; providing a bespoke programme of study for our children with SEND, whilst ensuring challenge and depth of learning for our most able children.

Class 1 (yr1/2) - Sycamore 

(Mr Greatbanks)

There are 31 children in Sycamore Class. Mr Greatbanks is our class teacher. This year, Mrs Munro will also be teaching year 2 children during the morning in Sycamore class for Reading, SPaG, Writing and Maths. Together, the Sycamore Class team build on the solid foundations set in the early years, whilst preparing our children for the transition into Key Stage 2. Miss Hodson supports in the class during the morning with English and Maths.

Class 2 (yr3/4) - Chestnut   

(Mrs Blackham/Miss Lloyd)

There are currently 28 children in Chestnut Class.  Mrs Blackham and Miss Lloyd support children in making the transition into Key Stage 2 and help them to gain the independence required in their future education.  Miss Moores, our Teaching Assistant, will support the children in Chestnut Class at different times during the day. 


Class 3 (Yr5/6) - Oak 

(Miss Downing)

By the time our children reach Oak Class, they have become independent and resilient learners and enjoy the challenges of working with their peers. With 24 children in Oak Class, Miss Downing and Mrs Whiles, the classroom Teaching Assistant, ensure the children in our oldest class leave Peover Superior as confident and self-assured individuals, well-prepared for the next stage of their education. This year Mrs Munro will also be supporting children in Oak class during the afternoons.