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It is our intent that the Geography curriculum at Peover Superior Primary School should inspire and enthuse our Children by encouraging them to be curious and fascinated learners about the ever-changing world around them. We want them to explore the diversities which exist in our world relating to both people and place, both locally and further afield. We aim to ensure that the knowledge and skills they gain from our carefully designed curriculum are retained and will remain with them for the rest of their lives.  As Children progress throughout the curriculum they will retain relative knowledge about the world they live in and how human and physical features are changing and adapting across the globe. They will understand the impact humans have on the Earth and explore local and international issues to protect and preserve the Earth as they understand how fragile it can be. The children will understand their place in the world beginning with their locality and extending this to the rest of the world. The Children will have a range of fieldwork opportunities both in their local area and beyond to spark their enthusiasm and to allow them to apply their geographical language, knowledge and skills. It will allow them to practically and confidently explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and ultimately change over time. The structure of our curriculum aims to equip Children with the relative knowledge and skills outlined in the National Curriculum via an integrative and holistic approach. The lessons are taught through creative and stimulating sessions which provide opportunities to bridge back and activate prior learning from previous lessons and previous years to ensure their knowledge is secure, deepened and retained. Throughout the curriculum will ensure that we incorporate 3 key threads: Creation, Community and compassion.



Geography is primarily taught through direct, explicit instruction, practice and then feedback. Discussion (both pupil to pupil and pupil to teacher)

has an important role in the development of geographical ideas. Effective questioning by the teacher is key to allow Children to practise new knowledge and to help them make link and bridge back to previously taught knowledge. Essentially, through these opportunities for talk, key vocabulary, and so core knowledge, is truly mastered. Formative assessment is essential in the implementation of the geography curriculum to ensure that all children are developing the core knowledge and skills and for any misconceptions to be addressed.


Children’s work, in written and photographic forms, is used to secure and demonstrate children’s learning. It informs teacher assessment, both formative and summative, and is used by subject leaders as part of the monitoring process. Children record their work in their geography books. Subject leader will conduct pupil voice monitor books and conduct drop-ins to identify the impact.