Sycamore Class (Y1/2) - Mr Greatbanks

 Class 1 2024-2025

Welcome back to our Autumn Term 2024. I hope that you have all had a restful holiday making lots of memories as a family and are looking forward to the new term. This term we will be covering lots of exciting topics. From September, Mrs Munro will be joining us each morning. During the Autumn term, Mrs Munro will be teaching year 2 whilst I will be teaching year 1 for Maths and English; we will then all come back together for an afternoon of exciting Wider Curriculum learning!


Our Autumn 2024 Curriculum Overviews are




General Reminders: 

  • P.E is on a Wednesday and Friday, children can come to school wearing their P.E kit on these days. Please ensure that all PE kit is clearly labelled. 
  • Children in Sycamore Class should have a book bag where they can keep their reading folder and any important letters.  
  • Reading books will be changed weekly on a Friday. Your child will have a fully decodable phonic book to read as well as a sharing book to read and enjoy with the family.
  • Your child will have weekly 'Home Learning' sent home on a Friday. This may be linked to phonics, maths or wider curriculum work based on PurpleMash.
  • Children need to have a named water bottle, which will stay in school all week. 
  • Y1/2 children need a waterproof coat and wellies/outdoor shoes for our outdoor play. 
Any questions, please come and ask us. 

Mr Greatbanks and Mrs Munro