Chestnut Class (Y3/4) - Mrs Blackham/Miss Lloyd

Class 2  2024-25 

Welcome back Chestnut Class! 

It's now the Autumn Term 2024, and we have got plenty planned for the last term! I hope you have had a wonderful break and made plenty of memories! Lets hope that the weather is lovely, so we can get outside as much as possible!

As always the door is always open if you have any questions!


Our Autumn 2024 Curriculum Overviews are


General Reminders:

  • The children will be doing PE on Tuesday and TBC . On these days, the children need to come to school in their PE kits. 
  • The children can bring their own water bottles into school which they have access to throughout the day.  These will come home daily to be washed out.  Please make sure that all water bottles are clearly named. 
  • Please ensure that your child has suitable footwear in school (old trainers/wellies etc) as we go outside on the field regularly. 

What does Chestnut Class look like?

Chestnut Class is our Lower Key Stage 2 class, home to the Year 3 and 4 children. 

Our classroom is a bright, happy and interesting place to learn. We have an English and Maths Working Wall which the children use to help them with their learning. We also have a cosy reading area where you will see the children reading for pleasure, cuddling up for story time and recommending books to their friends. 

Class 2 follows a curriculum cycle over two years to ensure continuity and progression in a mixed-age class. This year, we will be covering Cycle B. You can find the curriculum and other links to support learning below.