Here comes Summer!

What does the Summer Term have in store for us all?

On Monday 19th April, we return to school for the final term of the year and we have so much to look forward to!

In English, we are going to be using The Cherry Coloured Coat as a stimulus for writing setting descriptions and short stories.  In Reading, we are going to continue reading Great Expectations retold by Julia Golding (based on the original story by Charles Dickens).  We will explore word meaning, find out more about the characters, discuss language use and compare the themes to other texts we have read. We will also carry on reading Skellig as our class reading text.

In Maths, we will complete our Fractions unit before moving onto learning about Decimals and Percentages.  We will continue to work on our multiplication tables, starting with the 3 times table.

In Science, we will be sorting, grouping and classifying living things based on their features.  In History, we are going to be learning about the role of the UK in World War One and World War Two.  We will also find out how Peover was impacted by both World Wars.  In Geography and PSHE, we will be learning about sustainability and considering how we can make a difference to the world we are living in.  In P.E, we will be developing our rounders and cricket skills.  In R.E, we will be learning about Sikhism and finding out about their beliefs and practices.

It is going to be a great term and I can't wait to get started!

See you soon!

Miss Woodward