Class 2 Autumn term

Find out what we have been doing this half term. 

In Class 2 we have had a great half term filled with lots of learning and fun! 

In English we have been focusing on narrative. We have read lots of quality texts and unpicked the vocabulary and the ways in which authors engage readers. Then the children planned, wrote and published their own stories, which they enjoyed sharing with the younger children in school. 

In Maths, we have been consolidating our place value knowledge with numbers up to 1,000 (Y3) and 10,000 (Y4). The children have tackled some new problems and have really developed their thinking and reasoning skills, especially making their written answers clear and succinct. 

In Geography, the children have been learning about the UK and using maps to locate different counties and cities. The children have also started learning about rivers, which we will revisit again next half term. 

Our Science work has led us to learn about the digestive system and teeth. The children have mastered some new vocabulary and have learnt to ask scientific questions. We also carried out a science experiment to investigate how different drinks affected our teeth. 

I am looking forward to next half term where we will be exploring rocks and soils, looking into non-fiction texts and going on our first class trip!