Traditional Tales

Find out about our amazing work with Traditional Tales! 

We have been busy this half term learning about a range of Traditional Tales in all of our lessons! 

We started with reading the Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, and we used our knowledge of Bears to create a fact file on some other bears that we might know - even including Paddington Bear! We found out about bears that live in different countries, what they like to eat and we investigated their features too. 

We then started to look at the story 3 Little Pigs, where we began to explore and think about materials. We used our knowledge and understanding of materials to think about what would be the best material to build a house? We researched how do we build houses, what do we need and even watched a video on someone building their own house! We also created maps of the 3 Little Pigs houses to see how the wolf knew where to go from each house, and how we could create our own maps of where we live and school. 

Our next story was Jack and the Beanstalk, and this week we explored how we can look after living things such as seeds. As a class, we planted 4 pots of cress seeds and we have been eagerly watching them grow over the last few days! We spoke about how we can ensure we look after the seeds so they grow. Here is the beginning of our cress seeds: 

Our story this week has been Little Red Riding Hood. This week we have been focusing on Grandparents, and things from the past. We were incredibly lucky to have a wonderful visit from Mrs Nightingale who came to talk to us about her time at school, what she played with and we all had lots of questions about how different things were compared to our class in Reception now! 

We have been busy exploring and investigating a range of different tales and making links to a variety of areas in our learning. Well done Reception!