What a great first full week!

Find out what Class 3 have been up to...

Hi everyone,

I am so proud of the amazing start to the year Class 3 have all made.  Year 5 have settled into their new class superbly (including our two new starters) and Year 6 have started their final year at Peover Superior brilliantly!

Since we returned to school on Thursday 3rd September, we have been focusing on the topical book: While We Can't Hug by Eoin McLaughlin and Polly Dunbar.  The children have really enjoyed discussing the book this week and thinking about the characters' emotions throughout the story.  They tracked the characters' rollercoaster of emotions on an axis of emotion.  

In English, the children have been unpicking letters and postcards and generating success criteria for these text types.  They have planned a letter to someone and next week they are going to write it.  Keep an eye out for these!

In PSHE, we have been focusing on the Peover Positivity Principle of LOVE. Mrs Ellis-Stansfield led an assembly about the Positivity Principles on Wednesday and we wrote about things we love about ourselves; our families and friends; our home and our school; our town and our country; our world and space in an activity called Layers Of Love.  The children really enjoyed the activity and it helped them to see all of the things they have to be thankful for!


In Art, we thought about the people, objects, songs and places that bring us comfort.  The children then created a collage of comfort.  Look out for these - they'll soon be on display!

In Maths, we have been working on place value.  So far we have: identified Roman Numerals; read, written and represented numbers and compared numbers.  I have been blown away by the children's hard work in Maths as well as how well they have remembered their place value units from last year!

I'll write again soon to update you on Class 3's super work!

Miss Woodward